行业新闻 锂电百科 公司新闻 常见问题


  • 来源:ISLOT中国电池并联-发布时间:2023-05-09
1. 电耐腐蚀性对比:不一样的产品、规格并且实用时光较长的电芯组相互会有电耐腐蚀性的对比。在开始并接时,这个对比一定会被变大,使得电芯充蓄干电池放电不取舍,会影响电芯的保修期和可以信赖性。 2. 发热量不相匹配:各个干磷酸铁锂电池的发热量也很有能够存有对比,因而假若开展串并联,发热量较小的干磷酸铁锂电池很有能够会先到达充放电截止日期交流电压,因而引响电路原理的运转吸收率和健康安全问题。
3. 充放电特性不同:不同电池组的充放电特性也有所差异,在进行并联时,这些特性不同可能会导致电池充放电过程不平衡,出现电压不稳定、温度异常等故障。


这是鉴于在電池组内外部,電池内留存固定的内电阻和极化等的差异,当在快充心态时,额定电压值高的電池可能向额定电压值低的電池蓄电池充电,得以随着整块电线制造大直流电。 举列讲,假说有2个电动车充电组A和B,中仅A组的直流电流值交流电流值为48V,B组的直流电流值交流电流值为32V,比如将患者对其实行串连,鉴于B组的直流电流值交流电流值降至A组,A组早已向B组充放电,又很电动车充电本质电流值表内阻无比小,倘若直流电流值早已异样大,应该完成几百安以及上百万安,无比危机,的同时,2个有所不同的直流电流值交流电流值会对其实行反馈控制环同学之间电动车充电,占据过压现状,比如各种的情况将持续进去了,应该会导致电动车充电保修期减小,电动车充电效能减退以及设备故障或安全生产事故。


Battery packs can be connected in parallel or series. Parallel connection increases the capacity of the battery pack, allowing old battery packs to be upgraded by parallel connection to meet usage demands. However, not all battery packs have parallel connection capabilities and this requires that your battery pack itself has a parallel system. If it does not, it may lead to various issues.
1. Performance differences: There are differences in electrical performance between different brands, models, or older battery packs. When connected in parallel, these differences will be amplified, causing an imbalance in battery charging and discharging, affecting battery life and reliability.
2. Capacity mismatch: Different battery packs may also have differences in capacity. Therefore, if they are connected in parallel, the battery pack with smaller capacity may reach the cut-off voltage first, affecting circuit efficiency and safety.
3. Different charge and discharge characteristics: Different battery packs also have varying charge and discharge characteristics. When connected in parallel, these different characteristics may cause an imbalance in battery charging and discharging, resulting in unstable voltage, abnormal temperature, and other faults.
Connecting different types and specifications of batteries in parallel can cause a large current surge because there are differences in internal resistance and polarization between batteries within the battery pack. When in a charging state, the high voltage battery will discharge towards the low voltage battery, causing an abnormally high current flow. This can be dangerous as currents can exceed hundreds or even thousands of amps, leading to shorter battery life, decreased performance, or even accidents.
Therefore, when connecting battery packs in parallel, it is important to choose the same brand, specifications, capacity, and battery packs that have been used for similar amounts of time, and conduct strict testing and management to ensure the safety and reliability of the battery pack. At the same time, balanced charging, battery management systems, parallel modules, and other measures should be used to ensure that the charging and discharging status of each battery is balanced and to avoid situations where batteries are charged in parallel with each other.



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